Rate and Review Machines
When you rent a machine, you have the option to leave a rating and review based on your experience. Here's how it works:
Last updated
When you rent a machine, you have the option to leave a rating and review based on your experience. Here's how it works:
Last updated
After you end a machine rental, you'll be prompted to rate your experience. This includes:
Star Rating (1-5 stars): Choose a star rating that best reflects your experience.
Review Title: Provide a brief title for your review.
Review Message: Share your thoughts about the machine—what you liked or disliked. The message has a 500-character limit.
Category (Optional): Select a review category that best fits your feedback, if applicable.
The review process is optional and can be skipped when the rental is completed. You can also leave a review for past rentals anytime through the Audit section in your Account Settings.
Once you submit your review:
The review and star rating will be visible to other users.
The machine owner will receive an email notification (if enabled) to inform them of the review and any feedback shared.
To view reviews for a specific machine, follow these steps:
Go to the Machine Rental List, or Audit to access past rentals.
Click on the blue Machine ID of the machine you're interested in.
You'll land on the System tab, where you can view hardware and software specs. Next to it, there's a Review tab—click it to see all ratings and reviews for the machine.
In the Review tab, you’ll find:
Machine Rating: An average star rating (rounded to one decimal) based on all reviews.
Rating Distribution: A bar chart showing how many ratings were given for each star level (1-5 stars).
Customer Reviews: A list of reviews for the machine, showing:
Reviewer's username
Date and time of the review
Review title and message
Star rating and category (if selected)
You can upvote or downvote reviews to indicate whether you found them helpful. Additionally, you have the option to report reviews if you believe there is an issue. Reports are reviewed by the FluxEdge team, and we may take appropriate action, including removing reviews, if the report is deemed valid.
If you’ve left a review for a machine, you can edit or delete it at any time.