
The Audit Leases tab provides a comprehensive history of the machines you have leased to customers on FluxEdge.

You will see a detailed data table with information about all your lease activities.

  • Date: The date and time when the lease started.

  • Machine: The name of your machine that was leased.

  • Price/h: The hourly rate during the lease period.

  • Duration: The total time the machine was leased, measured in hours.

  • Penalty: Indicates any penalties incurred due to forced stops, internet outages, or other disruptions that were not manually caused by the customer.

  • Total Rewards: The total earnings from the lease, calculated as (price per hour * duration) minus penalties and InFlux commission.

You also have tools to filter the data by specific durations (e.g., 1 week, 1 month, 1 year) and a CSV download tool for easy export.

Last updated