
The Account Overview page provides a comprehensive summary of your FluxCore activities, including mining operations and FluxEdge rewards from customer leasing your machine.

Rewards Tile

Located at the top right, the Rewards Tile allows you to switch between Mining Rewards and Edge Rewards.

Mining Rewards:

  • Displays estimated rewards for all mined cryptocurrencies in their respective coins.

  • Shows an estimated total amount in fiat currency.

  • Provides data for the last day, last week, and last month.

Edge Rewards:

  • Provides a data table with the following details:

    • Rental Type: Indicates the type of rental you are offering on FluxEdge (e.g., Dedicated).

    • Machine: Displays the last 10 digits of the machine ID, along with uptime and reliability stats.

    • Rewards: Shows total rewards accrued and the hourly earnings rate.

    • Status: Displays the status and duration of the lease.

  • Includes filtering options for time frames: 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months.

  • Displays total rewards earned within the selected time frame on the left.

Mining Wallet and Mining Pools

Located at the top left, this section provides:

  • A list of all mining wallets and pools with tools to easily edit, delete, or create new entries from scratch.

Mining Overview and Edge Overview

Located at the bottom, these sections act as a history summary, allowing you to view important historical data directly on the Overview tab without needing to navigate to the Audit section.

Last updated