Contact Details

The Contact Details tab allows you to update your contact information. This information will be used to create invoices for you, which you can download from the Audit Balance tab.

Updating your contact details is optional, but it can be beneficial for accurate invoicing and communication. You can provide as much information as you like, including:

  • Client Type: Specify whether you are an individual or a business.

  • Title: Your professional or personal title (e.g., Mr., Ms., Dr.).

  • Full Name: Your full legal name.

  • VAT ID: Your Value Added Tax identification number, if applicable.

  • Street and House Number: Your street address and house number.

  • Postal Code: Your postal or ZIP code.

  • City: The city where you reside.

  • Country: Your country of residence.

  • Phone Number: Your contact phone number.

Providing detailed contact information ensures that your invoices are accurate and that you can easily be contacted if necessary.

Last updated