Linux Headless Installation

Guide to Installing Multiple Computers to Your Fluxcore Account


Overview: You can use Ansible or a custom script to install several machines at once. This guide covers the installation process for a single computer without scripts.

Important Note:

  • You will not receive a password for your machine using this method, meaning you cannot share the machine with multiple accounts.

Step-by-Step Installation

  1. Bind Your Machine to Your SSO Account

    Run the following command to bind your machine to your SSO account:

    bash -i <(curl -s -i [email protected]

  2. Replace with your machine's local IP address and [email protected] with your registered email address.

    After running this command, your machine should appear on your Fluxcore dashboard, which can be accessed locally or remotely through your local network.

  3. Change the Owner Email (if needed)

    If you need to change the owner email of your machine, use the following command:

    bash -i <(curl -s -email [email protected]

    Ensure that the new email address you are replacing with is associated with an SSO account on Fluxcore or Fluxedge.

Last updated