Linux Installation

Welcome to the FluxCore Installation Guide for Linux

We're excited to help you get started with FluxCore on your Linux machine. Whether you're a seasoned Linux user or just getting started, this guide will walk you through the installation process smoothly.

Prerequisites to run FluxCore:

1. Ubuntu 22.04

We officially recommend using Ubuntu 22.04 (Desktop or Server) for the best experience. While earlier versions of Ubuntu might work, they haven’t been thoroughly tested, so you may run into some unexpected challenges.

2. Graphic Card Driver

To ensure a smooth installation, make sure you install the recommended graphics card drivers and CUDA on your Ubuntu system before setting up FluxCore. This step is crucial to avoid any hiccups down the road.

  • NVIDIA: Version 550

 sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  • Ubuntu Server:

  sudo apt install nvidia-driver-550-server
  • Ubuntu Desktop:

 sudo apt install nvidia-driver-550
  • CUDA:

sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-cuda-toolkit
sudo apt install cuda-toolkit-12-4

AMD: Version 23

  • Coming Soon!

Important Note:

Choosing a different driver version for your system should be done with caution. Doing so may result in potential issues with certain FluxCore services, such as:

  • Benchmarking

  • Mining

  • GPU detection on the marketplace

Ensure you understand the risks before proceeding with a driver change, as it could affect the performance and functionality of your system within the FluxCore ecosystem.

Let's get started!

  1. Run the FluxCore Installation Bash Script

  • Open a terminal window or your preferred IDE, and execute the following bash script:

bash -i <(curl -s
  1. Install FluxCore

  • Enter “1” and press “Enter” to install the necessary prerequisites.

When prompted for sudo password please provide your sudo password.

  • The script will prompt you to select an IP address to bind the web server. Choose the local IP address of your machine

  • you will be able to access the ui on http://<IP>:18180 if you set it to you would access from

  1. Download the Machine ID and Password during the initial installation

  • During Step Two of the installation process, titled “Register Machine,” you will be prompted to download a file that includes your Machine ID and Password. Kindly proceed with the download, as you may require these values later to establish a connection with another FluxCore GUI for remote control purposes.

  • Allow Fluxcore to install completely through the user interface (UI). Once the installation is finished and there are no further dependencies being installed, reboot your machine.

Last updated