Deployment and Management

  1. Why did my lease or deployment go to complete when I did not stop it? The lease or deployment will only turn to complete if you manually stopped it, or if the FluxCore provider forced it to stop due to outages affecting performance or uptime. In such cases, the provider will incur a penalty fee, and you will receive a cashback in your FluxEdge balance equivalent to the penalty. You can track this under Account > Audit > Balance.

  2. My deployment failed, but the machine rental continued. Why did it not stop? When you rent a machine, it is dedicated to you, meaning you rent the entire machine. A failed deployment may be due to incorrect configuration on your side. You can adjust the settings and try again or deploy other apps. To stop the machine rental, you must do so manually via the UI.

  3. What happens if I redeploy a project? A new pod of the project is spawned on the machine with the same configuration, and the old pod is destroyed.

  4. Can I upgrade my project's specifications after deployment? Currently, no. However, we are working on adding this functionality.

  5. Are the resources chosen at the deployment screen actually the resources used by the application? The application container currently uses as many resources as it needs on the dedicated machine. We are working on limiting the pod to use the resources specified for it.

  6. How many projects can I add to my leased machine? There is currently no limit on the number of projects you can deploy on your leased machine.

  7. Can I access the logs of a completed deployment? Yes, but only for a limited time. Logs are kept in the database for 10 days before they are deleted.

  8. What Docker images do you support for Custom Deployment? The Kubernetes YAML file allows all kinds of Dockerfiles, provided they follow the structure of namespace:tag. Docker Hub, GitHub Container Registry, Azure Container Registry, and many more are supported.

  9. Why are there not many machines available for some services at Quick Launch, even if I allow all GPU types and do not restrict minimum resource amounts? FluxCore providers need to subscribe their machines to services to make them available for rent. If no machines are showing up, it means there is limited supply for that service type.

  10. Is it feasible to rent GPUs for brief periods, such as a few hours or days? Yes, you can rent machines and their GPUs for any duration, including seconds, hours, or days.

  11. How can I determine which GPU is most suitable for my specific AI or machine learning project?

    Consult our GPU guide or contact support for recommendations based on your project requirements.

  12. Does FluxEdge provide any special offers for extended GPU rental periods? Currently, no special offers are available for extended rentals, but this feature is planned for the future.

  13. Is it permissible to use FluxEdge GPUs for cryptocurrency mining activities? Yes, you may use FluxEdge GPUs for cryptocurrency mining on FluxCore providers who offer this service.

  14. What happens if the number of GPUs I require exceeds the current availability? If the number of GPUs you require exceeds the current availability, you need to wait until a machine with these capacities is available or adjust your resources accordingly.

  15. Is it possible to specify a particular GPU model or configuration when renting? Yes, you may filter for machines with particular GPU models and configurations.

Last updated