
The Overview tab provides a comprehensive summary of all your financial activities associated with your FluxEdge account.

Account Balance

  • Balance: Displays the current amount of deposits available for spending. This is the total value of funds you have left to utilize for various services.

Current Spending

  • Spending: Shows your current expenditures, presented in fiat value. This section also indicates the number of machines you are currently renting.

Deposit Options

  • Deposit Funds: Provides multiple options for adding funds to your account. You can choose from:

    • PayPal: Click on the UI to access the dedicated PayPal deposit interface.

    • Flux: Click on the UI to access the Flux deposit interface.

    • Stripe: Click on the UI to access the Stripe deposit interface.

    • Voucher: Click on the UI to access the Voucher deposit interface.

Additional Features

  • History: A button is available to directly visit the Balance History, allowing you to review all your past transactions and balance changes in detail.

The Overview tab serves as a central hub for monitoring and managing your account's financial status, ensuring that you have quick access to essential information and functionalities.

Last updated