Machine Overview

In the “Projects”, “Overview” tab, accessible from the left-hand side menu, you can find a comprehensive overview of all your current machine rentals on FluxEdge.

No Current Rentals

If you have no machines rented yet, you will see a prompt encouraging you to start your first FluxEdge project with an easy-to-click button.

Machine Data Table

The Machine Data Table provides detailed information about your rentals, including:

  • Machine Name: Displays the last ten digits of the machine's Hash ID.

  • Type of Machine Rental: Indicates whether the rental is a dedicated machine or a shared machine.

  • Machine Uptime: Shows how long the machine has been running continuously.

  • Machine Reliability: Displays the percentage of rentals completed without disruptions. It also shows the number of completed jobs without interruptions and the total number of leases throughout the machine's lifetime.

  • Hardware Specifications: Lists the machine's GPU, vRAM, cores, RAM, and storage.

  • Location: The physical location of the machine.

  • Projects Running: The number of projects currently running on the machine, with an individual row for each project.

  • Current Status: The status of the rental and the associated projects.

  • Creation Time: The date and time the rental was created, including a relative time display.

  • Total Price: Shows the current amount spent and the hourly rate for the machine.

Action Buttons

Each machine and project row includes a three-dotted action button with the following options:

Machine Row Actions

  • Stop Machine: Terminates the machine rental and stops all associated projects.

  • Add New Project: Attaches a new project to the current machine rental without incurring additional costs.

Project Row Actions

  • Info: Accesses the information screen for detailed control over the specific project. For more details, refer to the guide here.

  • Stop: Stops the project while keeping the machine rental active. You also have the option to simultaneously stop the entire machine rental and all associated projects.

  • Redeploy: Redeploys the project with the same configuration, replacing the original project.

Filtering Options

You can filter the displayed machines by GPU model, operating system, and region, making it easy to manage multiple rentals and focus on specific machines.

Start a New Project

To rent additional machines, click the "Start Project" button located at the top right of the screen.

By following this guide, you can efficiently manage your machine rentals on FluxEdge, ensuring you have the resources you need for your projects.

Last updated